Difference between Premature Ejaculation & Erectile Dysfunction
Premature ejaculation
expresses the situation where a man ejaculates soon. Actually sometime this
happens even before any direct stimulation of the penis. The situation can
trigger ejaculation while just thinking about a sexually stimulation. On the
other hand it is very ordinary for ejaculation to occur either during or very
soon after penetration. Premature ejaculation is also known as masculine sexual dysinfection where a man is able to neither identifying nor controlling the
phases of sexual arousal. The person who is facing this problem always has
uncontrolled ejaculation immediately after or during after the first two
minutes of penetration.
Erectile dysfunction
is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the incapability to maintain or
develop an erection of the penis during sexual performance. A penile erection
is the hydraulic effect of blood entering and being retained in sponge-like
bodies within the penis. The process is often initiated as a result of sexual
arousal, when signals are transmitted from the brain to nerves in the penis.