Nowadays men
sexual life related communities and forums are full with the questions such as
“What is the side effect of masturbation?” “Does masturbation is harmful for
body?” etc. Myths related to masturbation mostly affect the youngster, thinking
to have damage where none exist. Below are few myths is given that awake you
from myths.
1 – Only the youngsters masturbate – this point is partially correct but not completely,
actually masturbation is an all-time activity. According to a report from 75%
to 95% of adult men and women masturbate and the percentage slows down as the age
passes on. Masturbation is not just for young person and not even it is for “juvenile”
type of sexual behavior.
2 – Masturbation is harmful for health – It is completely wrong, it is actually natural way to
express love and so that it doesn’t have any unpleasant affect to your health. A
very popular myth about masturbation is it causes weakness, acne, dark circle
around the eyes and more. But they all are just improven and not correct.
3 – People of single status only masturbate – It is not compulsory or not any rule is passed that tells
marriage men/women can’t masturbate. According to a survey peoples who are in
relationship or who has married life are also masturbate. The masturbation is
not related to relationship status of any person.
4 – Masturbation may lead to curvature to penis – No this is actually a myth, and masturbation doesn’t relate to curvature of penis.
5 – Only particular kind of people masturbates – No it is not, according to a survey it is the common
and natural and people can masturbate across all section of society, religious,
etc. Some peoples dose this to enjoy and some to fulfill their sexual requirements.
Most people have masturbated in their life.
The above given 5 myths about
masturbation will clear all the fear about masturbation from your mind. It is
clear that there is no side effect or harmful effects of masturbation. This can
affect your sex life in some exceptional cases such as habitual masturbation
that is the actually a very unhealthy physical and psychological sexual process.
So I think that the myths related masturbation must be clear now from your mind.
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