
Things You Don’t Realize that Kill Her Orgasm

things that kill her orgasm
Enjoying the love and suddenly you do something to her in bed that damage the pleasure and make the rest of the night boring for her and also for yours.   There is some position which seems innocent but they would really distract her from the real game- achieving orgasms. Therefore you should avoid some moves which are really very important for her as well for your while sex.

Starting Off Too Intense

From staring, some small mistakes you do which can spoil her mode before it starts. Maybe it looks like counter intuitive but directly going for her clitoris or putting too much pressure on her before letting her to know may delay her orgasms. Therefore you should make first teased for sometimes and after that slowly apply little pressure to the clitoris and after that increase your speed as her arousal increase. Hence, giving her more time before the foreplay can actually make her orgasms best at the end.

Changing Speeds

In a study, it has been stated that “when women gets close to her orgasm, they need the pressure and rhythm to stay the same for a while.” So if you plan to increase the speed or ramp up the intensity, then it may throw her off the drive which she was building towards her orgasms. When she says “Right here”, then you must really not stop. At that moment, when you decide to get really creative, that time she’s going to completely lose it.

Constantly Asking, “Are You Close”

You should not ask her frequently “Are you close” and should know that when she will come close, she will not be quite and let her get there. It is said that “Women’s version performance anxiety mostly comes from feeling as we are taking too long”. Although, you might ask her to hurry up or you may try to encourage her by asking if she’s getting closer to her destination. In fact this would be the great way to tell her that she was not close. Trying very hard to get orgasms may often kill the orgasm, so it will better than asking “Are you close”, you just keep on focus on her signals that she is almost there like as increase the breathing and allow her to come at her own speed.

Simply apply the methods that is mentioned in above so that you and your partner can enjoy the sex life at the best.


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