
What Affects Sexual Performance?

what affect sexual performance
Physically and mentally status can affects the sexual performance of both men and women. Poor sex performance can break your sex life permanently. To secure and maintain your sex life it is necessary to improve your sexual performance. 

Common Factors that Affects Sexual Performance

  • Physical Health: Physical health can affect your sexual life, if you are physically not fit then your sex life gets infected. High blood pressure, depression, hormone imbalances (as hypo- or hyperthyroidism, low levels of testosterone or diabetes), nervous system disorder etc can affect your sexual life deeply. 
  • Mental Health: If you are mentally or emotionally distract due to any reason like job stress, any unsolved issue with your partner or due to any other kind of distraction then it can affect your sexual life very effectively. To remove any kind of stress from your mind and make yourself mentally healthy do meditation and yoga. These two things can help you to improve your sexual performance.     
  • Bad Habits: Bad habits like smoking, drinking, taking illegal or unhealthy drugs can infect your mental and physical status and can also decrease your sexual ability. Because if you are not mentally and physically healthy then your sexual performance can be decrease. So to boost your sexual performance avoid bad habits because these kind of bad habits especially bad for sex life.
  • Erectile Dysfunction or ED: Erectile Dysfunction or ED occurs due to the physical and emotional problem. ED is a general condition in which men are unable to keep long erection to have sexual intercourses. ED can occur due to mental or emotional problems like chronic anxiety, depression or other issues and physical problems like past injuries, blood flow to the penis, can also cause erectile dysfunction.

Herbs and vitamins that can boost Sexual Performance:

  • Ginseng – It is a root which is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that can help to boost and improve sexual performance naturally.
  • Arginine – It is actually an amino acid and also known as the "Viagra substitute,”.  This acid can help to increase the blood flow to the penis and help to remove the ED problem.
  • Muira Puama – It is also a root part, which can enhance and boost your sexual performance.
  • Kava Kava – It is also known as kava, which can help to recover from the causes of poor sex performance.
  • Vitamin E – It can increase the hormone quality and also increase the semen quality.


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