Erectile dysfunction which is also known as impotence, inability to maintain an erection required for sexual intercourse. This condition occurs when men reaches the age of 50. It is a common problem and you should surprise to know that about 50% of male population suffer from impotence. When men suffer from such condition then they cannot perform sexual activity as sexual desire becomes less. But with proper treatment, this impotence can be cured and that too without relying on medications. Nowadays there are several ways which can help you to eliminate ED and natural ways is one of the best way to do it.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
Erection consists of nerves, hormones, blood vessels and muscles but when problem occurs in these components then penis function stops. Here lead to ED and its causes are
• Diabetes
• Use of tobacco
• Enlarged prostate gland
• Obesity
Common treatment for ED
Some common treatment includes weight loss, regularly practicing exercise, avoiding smoking etc. Though there are other non-drug treatments which includes vacuum pumps, penile implants and blood surgery. These can be used but all these treatments have some or the other side effects. Therefore following the natural methods can really helpful to cure ED an also the safest treatment.
Natural home remedies to cure ED
L-arginine, an amino acid present in the body that helps to make nitric oxide which supports successful erection. This remedy has shown positive results after taking 5 grams each day and 32 percent of men suffering from ED has shown development in sexual dysfunction.
May be many of them don’t know much about boron but it is useful remedy in curing erectile dysfunction. This help in adjusting metabolism of steroid hormones, especially the sex hormones. It is beneficial in boosting the libido which consists of some extra properties useful for both men and women. It increases testosterone level and if the level is increased then automatically ED problem will be solved.
Watermelon juice
Watermelon is one of the essential remedy which is used to satisfy thirst and hunger during summer season but at the same time, its juice is one of the best remedy to cure ED. It consists of citrulline, an amino acid which helps to improve blood flow to the penis. Taking watermelon juice after suffering from erectile dysfunction had shown improvements and the results were really satisfied.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar, best used to cure almost every disease and can treat any type of disease. Impotence is also cured with ACV as it treats very effectively and quickly. It has one popular function and that it does not treat erectile dysfunction directly but cures diabetes, high cholesterol etc which lead to ED. This is also helpful in losing extra fat from body.
It is also essential for treating impotence and when it is mixed with boron then it is more effective. Helpful in maintaining heart health and helpful in curing heart diseases. Beneficial to use as it removes symptoms which is linked with diabetes, anxiety and depression.
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