Have you got tired of having sex
or are you distracted? Or do you have problem in getting that much sex drive
which you want? Generally low level of testosterone is due to low libido but
this is not only responsible for it. In every man, testosterone is very much
important in this modern life. Those men who don’t have increase testostyerone
level, they face lots of problems in their relationship. However there are ways
by which one can increase their level of testosterone along with sex drive. Mentioned
below are some of the natural ways by which one can boost their level of
Stay away from statins and eat more fish oil:
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of your energy but strain
makes your testosterone level decreases. Therefore you should eat more fish oil
that would help you to boost your testosterone level. Even this is responsible
for building T level with the production of healthy cholesterol.
Get some sun
Vitamin d is responsible for
increasing testosterone level, therefore you can get vitamin D from sun rays
which are naturally and it is a rich source of it. Atleast you should get 15
minutes of direct sunlight everyday.
Avoid toxins that harm the testicles
Parabens and phthalates in
personal care products like lotions and shaving creams, and BPA in plastic
bottles and on store receipts, are anti-androgens, meaning they disrupt the
production and function of multiple hormones including testosterone.
Get eight hours of sleep
If you are not sleeping for eight
hours at night then your testosterone level gets decreased. It is instructed to
take atleast eight hours of sleep at night as it maintains the level of
hormones in your body. Otherwise the entire important male hormone gets
Take your vitamins seriously
The foods that you take should
contain vitamins because there are many foods which contain low or
nomicronutrients in them. Therefore it becomes important to look for the food which
we eat as they should be rich in minerals like selenium and zinc and also
vitamin A and E, because they are responsible for production of testicular and
androgen function. If you want more zinc and selenium then you should eat more
shellfish, carrots and kale for vitamin A, almond and sunflower seeds are rich
in vitamin E.
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