
Smart ways to increase testosterone

   increase testosterone level 
Nowadays many men have low testosterone problem, the main reason behind this problem is the modern life style. It can be cured by taking good care of the body by proper Diet and by doing exercises. The testosterone in the body can be increased by smarter training and eating, increasing the intake of fat, from Vitamin D and take plenty of rest.

Train Smarter: Testosterone level can be increased by sprinting for around 10 seconds and this has been stated in the research report. It can also be released by building the body; this can be achieved by lifting weights like bench presses, squats, overhead press, or dead lifts. If you perform the exercise at least once in each week, in this way you can build your muscles. Exercise acts as a short intense bout to boost the testosterone level.

Eat smarter: Here are the lists of foods that help you to increase the level of testosterone in the body; they are garlic, honey, eggs, shrimps etc. Garlic contains allicin, which helps in lowering the stress hormone and as a result the level of T increases. Honey is rich in nitric oxide and boron that helps in more blood flow through the blood vessels which helps in better erection and at the same time T level also increases. According to the reports it suggest that Eggs play a major role in increasing the level of T, so it is advised to include it in the diet on daily basis. Shrimp is a sea food and has high level of Vitamin D, which helps in increasing the testosterone level in the body.

Increase intake of fat:  Monounsaturated fats including avocados and olive oil should be added to the diet whereas in case of polyunsaturated fats you should include Omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. This acid helps those inflammatory factors that help in increasing the T level of the body.

Get plenty of Vitamin D: Sunlight is the good source of Vitamin D. it has been stated the level of T can be restored to its normal if you take the sun rays for about thirty minutes each day.

Get in plenty of rest: It has been advised that you should have a good sound sleep at least for 8 hours at night daily. This would help in restoring the T level.

By using Pro-Testosterone pills you can also increase the level of T in the body. This pill is made of natural herbs so there is no chance of any side effects. This pill would help you to increase the level of testosterone in the body.


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