
Top 5 Food to increase your sex life!

foods to increase sex life
Want to live healthy and exciting life? Maintaining and retaining healthy and exciting sex life will provide lots of benefits to your body, mind and overall health. If your sex life is boring and you do not have so much excitement left in your sex life as it was in the beginning of your relationship, then you do not have to worry much about it. With working all day you get tired and sometimes it is not easy to get in to mood. Fortunately there are best proven methods that are successful when it comes to increase your sex drive. In this blog we describe about top 5 foods that will help you to fire in bed.

1 - Citrus fruit – Citrus fruits such as lemon, oranges, grapes   intake can enhance your sex performance and confidence in bedroom. According to various studies it has been found that intake of citrus fruit also called as Vitamin C increase the overall sperm health in men and reduces the possibility of infertility in both male and female. Citrus fruit gives a boost of glucose and antioxidants to improve sex life, enhance moods and decrease the depression.

2 – Nuts and seeds – Walnuts, almonds and coconuts contain the elements like nutrients and healthy fats that are necessary in the production of sex hormones. Studies say that Almonds is the best food that works as sexual stimulant and it also decrease the infertility. So, start taking nuts and seeds because person who does not take it experiences depression, have negative moods and lose desire and focus.

3 - Chocolates – Intake of chocolates may provide a good taste to your tongue, but eating dark chocolates can pump the brain chemicals and increase your moods that are required to do sex. Chemical serotonin present in brain is straight forward generate the feeling of pleasure. Dark chocolates contain the flavor of like flavinols and arginine that may produce a Viagra affect.

4 – Avocados - It is one of the healthiest fruit that can increase the sexual powers. This is boosting fruits that is already become popular ages ago. Now avocados are incredibly famous in Europe where many people has experienced its effects and increasing power of sex. Avocados are loaded with libido enhancing potassium and contain rich folic acid that provides stamina and energy. it is one of the best food for brain, blood vessels and heart.

5 - Berries – As we know that berries contains large amounts of vitamin C and folate. Both folate and vitamin c are powerful nutrients that help in boosting your thoughts, performance and action. Berries can describe as one of the sensual foods for both sexes. Berries like blackberries, raspberries and blueberries all of them are great teasers that can motivate your partner to bring excitement in sex.


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