
Reasons responsible for male infertility

reasons responsible for male infertility

Many men are very cautious about their sexual life, and many of them are unable to satisfy their partner during their sexual intercourse. This generally happens due to male infertility. It can also be referred as the inability of an individual in contributing to conception. These types of issues are seen in many countries, where the couples have failed to conceive even after twelve months of sexual intercourse. 

Effects of male infertility

Here are the lists of male fertility that are mentioned below:
  • Abnormal production of sperm - There are various reasons that are responsible for abnormal sperm production such as genetic defects, diabetes, undescended testicles, or infection like mumps. 
  • Trouble in delivery of sperm- The men those who suffer from this sexual problem are known as premature ejaculation. In such cases, during orgasm, the semen instead of emerging through the penis it enters the bladder. And this happens due to certain genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, blockage of testicle that contains sperm.
  • Reduce the consumption of Alcohol and Smoking- It has been seen that people, who are addicted to smoking and drinking, generally have low quality of semen. And at the same time the sperm fertility gets affected.
  • Ejaculation disorders- It has been seen that there are many men who are suffering from this ejaculation problems.  There are two types of ejaculation disorder; one is premature ejaculation where you are ejaculating it quickly and retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen is ejaculated into your bladder.
  • Testicles- Testicles are mainly responsible for the production and storing sperm. It generally gets damaged, and seriously affects the quality of sperm. This occurs due to testicular surgery, trauma to your testicles, and infection in your testicles.
  • Semen- The main reason for male infertility occurs due to abnormal production of semen. The reasons for abnormal semen happens due to abnormal sperm, decreased sperm mobility, decreased number of sperm, etc.
  • Sterilization- For male sterilization, vasectomy is the surgical procedure. This includes sealing and cutting off vast differences, and your semen would no longer contain any sperm. And if the vasectomy is reversed it would not be flourishing.
Recent article to know: Causes of Infertility 


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